By renting from this site, you agree to the following:


1. RENTER acknowledges receiving all equipment in good operating condition and agrees to maintain such equipment in good condition. If, during the course of the rental, equipment is lost, stolen or damaged for any cause whatsoever, whether or not the fault of RENTER, the RENTER shall compensate Bay Area Event, INC. (hereafter referred to as “Bay Area Event”) for the full replacement value of the equipment. If the equipment in question is no longer replaceable by the same make and model, RENTER agrees to compensate Bay Area Event for a model equal in value, features, and performance to the lost, stolen or damaged equipment.


2. RENTER shall at his or her own cost and expense immediately insure the said equipment for the full replacement value against loss or damage by fire, theft, water or act of God, with a reputable insurance company for the period that the equipment is in the possession of the RENTER. RENTER shall deliver said policy to Bay Area Event. RENTER agrees to compensate Bay Area Event at the contract rental rate for any time lost as a result of replacement or the need for making repairs on such equipment.


3. In no event shall Bay Area Event be held responsible for any claims by RENTER for alleged damages, expenses and loss of profits claimed to have arisen out of RENTER’s use of the said equipment or for any delays or any other reasons. It shall be the RENTER’s duty to notify Bay Area Event immediately of any claimed defect in any of the equipment herein.


4. Bay Area Event may at all reasonable times enter the premises where said equipment is kept, to view the state and condition thereof. RENTER shall not permit others to use or loan said equipment to any other person or firm and it shall at all times remain under the immediate control, supervision, and direction of the RENTER personally. RENTER agrees not to alter or remove the nameplate of the equipment showing ownership.


5. The equipment herein shall be delivered and returned by RENTER at his or her own risk and expense. Failure to return rental equipment or property as per contract will result in criminal prosecution in accordance with state law. RENTER agrees to pay an additional day’s rental for equipment returned after 3:00 PM of the return date stated on this contract. Rental of all equipment taken out must be paid for the period of time until returned to Bay Area Event. No allowance will be made because any part was not used by RENTER. If RENTER shall default in any of the conditions herein or in punctually making any of the required payments or if any execution or other writ or her property or if RENTER shall enter into any arrangement with his or her creditors or if any judgement is obtained against RENTER by anyone, then in such event Bay Area Event shall at its option retake immediate possession of such equipment without notice or express permission, free from liability to RENTER who herewith consents in advance to such acts.


6. RENTER does herewith grant Bay Area Event an option to terminate this agreement on 24 hours written notice by registered mail or personal service, where upon RENTER shall immediately return to Bay Area Event at RENTER’s risk and expense the equipment in the same condition as when first rented, and Bay Area Event shall upon receipt thereof refund the unexpired portion of any rental prepaid by RENTER, less all claims of Bay Area Event and the foregoing may be with or without cause. RENTER hereby agrees to pay all reasonable attorney’s fees and cost incurred by Bay Area Event in protecting its rights under this agreement, or in any action against RENTER for a breach thereof. Acceptance by Bay Area Event of the return of the rented equipment shall not be a waiver by Bay Area Event of any claims it may have against RENTER under this agreement or for latent or patent damage to equipment.


7. Unless otherwise stated, payment is due as billed immediately upon receipt of billing covering rental up to date of bill. Failure to pay any bill in full within forty-eight (48) hours after it is due, shall entitle Bay Area Event to retake possession of all equipment without notice by all legal means available.


8. This agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties hereto and may not be modified except by another agreement in writing signed by both parties hereto. No terms, representations or warranties, express or implied not herein set forth in writing shall bind Bay Area Event.

Bay Area Sound Event Rental, Sound Rental in San Francisco,
Sound Rentals in San Jose, Bay Area Event,

Pick Up or we can deliver this rental or provide service to North Bay communities of:
San Francisco County. Daly City , Burlingame , South San Francisco SSF, San Rafael, Marin, Sausalito, Tiburon , Mill Valley, San Anselmo , Corte Madera , Fairfax , Novato ,Santa Rosa ,Sonoma , Napa Valley , Yountville, Calistoga , Petaluma ,Sebastopol , Healdsburg , Cloverdale , Solano , Sacramento , Davis, Yuba ,Auburn , Lake Tahoe , Redding ,Mt Shasta ,Humboldt , Eureka , Mendocino Coast , Bodega Bay , Bolinas ,Stinson Beach to Pacifica.

Pick Up or we can deliver this audio to South Bay Cities & Peninsula communities of: The Greater Silicon Valley
Sunnyvale ,Belmont , Brisbane ,Millbrae , San Bruno ,San Mateo , Foster City , San Bruno , San Carlos ,South San Francisco (SFO) , Redwood City , Palo Alto , Woodside , Menlo Park , Los Altos Hills , Mountain View, Cupertino , Campbell , Los Gatos , Saratoga , Morgan Hill , Gilroy ,Felton , Hollister , Ben Lomond Coastal Towns Santa Cruz , Watsonville ,Salinas , Seaside ,Stanford , Big Sur , Monterey and Carmel. , Santa Clara, San Jose.

Pick Up or we can deliver or provide Rental Service for East Bay communities of:
Berkeley, Hayward , San Leandro, Union City, Newark, Fremont , Milpitas ,Dublin ,Oakland , City of San Ramon , Castro Valley and Danville , Livermore , Pleasant Hill , Concord , Sunol Valley, Alamo,Lafayette , Richmond , Contra Costa , Alameda County to Vallejo, Lodi , Antioch, Pittsburg ,Brentwood, Vacaville , Fairfield , Tracy , Discovery Bay , Benicia Stockton , Modesto , Walnut Creek and Pleasanton.

Weddings, Corporate Events, Birthdays, Schools, Office Parties, Bar Mitzvah, Anniversary, Day in the Park, Private Parties, Casino Night, Get Together, House Party, Retirement,All Events. Just Plug n Play.